September 10, 2007

The Holy Family as the obscene symbol of Restoration

    The overwhelming majority of child murders are carried out, not by sleazy unmarried paedophiles, but by parents, especially mothers. And the overwhelming majority of sexual abuse is incestuous, in this instance courtesy of fathers or stepfathers. But about this, seal your lips! Murderous mothers and incestuous fathers, who are infinitely more widespread than paedophile killers, are an unsettling intrusion into the idyllic portrait of the family, which depicts the delightful relationship between our citizen parents and their angelic offspring.
    Badiou, The Century, p76
    Statistics and history show us child abduction by strangers from inside a property is extremely rare across the world.

    In the vast majority of cases, harm done to children comes from the hands of parents, carers and people within the family.

    Also the last people who report seeing someone alive are well worth looking at.

    The McCanns fall into both categories here and will have always been near the top of the list of suspects.

    A piece by former detective Peter Kirkham, tucked away in today's Mirror

Contrary to the liberal realism of Martin Bell, which assumes that /// that the Mccann story .... so much of the neo-liberal reality is at stake in it.

religiose piety, assumptions /// the jingoism and class prejudice of the British media:

Parents are inherently good.

Doctors are inherently responsible.

The British police and judicial system are superior to their Portuguese equivalents, which are incompetent and corrupt.



('Yesterday, the couple consulted top British lawyers Michael Caplan QC and Angus McBride, from London firm Kingsley Napley.

Mr Caplan acted for former Chilean dictator General Augusto Pinochet when Spain tried to extradite him from the UK in 1999.')

Posted by mark at September 10, 2007 03:42 PM | TrackBack