March 22, 2004


Now available on The Kubrick Site (invaluable source of resources on SK for those who don't know it), Bill Krohn's Deleuze-inspired analysis of Full Metal Jacket as the cinema of the brain. The relevant extracts from Deleuze's Cinema 2: The Time Image are also included.

Posted by mark at March 22, 2004 10:56 PM | TrackBack

Although I don’t like the movie but a nice essay.

Plus, I just discovered your link to Cold Me. Thanks so much, Mark.

Posted by: Reza at March 23, 2004 05:46 AM

I agree, it's definitely the worst of Kubrick's films.

As for the link, I should apologise for being slow in putting it up, Reza!

Posted by: mark k-punk at March 23, 2004 10:44 AM